• Prereq: None
This miracle allows the invoker to talk to whatever spirits are appropriate to his mythos. A Christian might speak to the restless shades while a Sioux shaman communes with nature spirits.
Invoking the dialogue assumes the character is in a place where the spirit should be present - a church for saints, a stream for water spirits, a great tree for a nature spirit, etc. If not and the mythos allows communication with the spirits outside their usual domain, the caster suffers a −4 penalty. The Game Master may also decide it’s just not possible in certain situations—there are likely no earth spirits aboard an airplane, for example.
Spirits know different things depending on the type, and see things from their perspective. They are not omniscient and generally only have knowledge of subjects directly connected to their former life for the dead or their local area for animal spirits and the like. Unlike the speak with dead spell, this miracle compels the spirit to tell only truth — though it may be vague or difficult to understand as the Game Master sees fit.
The chosen may ask a single question with a Standard success. Once contacted, spirits are unavailable again for a scene.