Lightning Strike α

• Prereq: None

Axiom Level:
Faith 14
Casting Time:
See below
Target’s dodge or Dexterity
100 meters

Lightning strike is a rare display of divine wrath. To invoke it, the blessed individual spends one entire turn doing nothing but castigating a single foe. The caller must be able to see his foe when the miracle begins, and may only take simple actions during this turn.

While the lightning builds, tendrils of holy power, storm clouds, and arcs of electricity gather around the invoker. If he is injured during this time, he must make a willpower or Spirit test, see Concentration , 197.

On his next turn, he may use an action to complete the invocation and make his faith test. If successful, the target is struck by a bolt of lightning that causes 20 damage, AP 4.

There is no penalty for range, cover, or darkness. Perks and other spells, miracles, powers, or supernatural abilities apply normally.

Lightning strike may only be used once per scene— such forces do not lend their attention lightly!


  • Good: Damage +1 BD
  • Outstanding: Damage +2 BD

From Core Rules