★ Prereq:
At least 3 adds in Science
In the fear-soaked world of Orrorsh, mortals have learned many different skills to fend off the forces of darkness. Perhaps none are more powerful or varied than their mastery of arcane chemical concoctions.
Alchemy allows a character to create and charge magical potions with a variety of effects. They may drink them, give them to allies, apply them as unguents to surfaces, or even throw them like grenades.
Choose any three of the potions below. Alchemists channel magical energy, so they may have no more than three potions in existence at any one time. If more are created, they have no magical spark
and simply fail to work. The player must record which potions are currently prepared and mark them off as they are used.
Creating new potions requires 30 minutes + 10 minutes per concoction, and a small portable kit of assorted chemicals, reagents, and equipment.
Using Potions: Drinking a potion, elixir, or similar concoction is a simple action. Drinking up to three potions is a standard action.
Some potions are used in glass grenades. These use the missile weapons skill and have a Range of 5/10/15, and detonate on impact as long as they hit some sort of solid surface.
Extra Potions: This Perk may be taken more than once. Each time after the first the Alchemist learns a new potion and may have one more potion in existence at once.
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Most Victorians fight the Gaunt Man’s foul corruption with stubborn gallantry in the face of overwhelming odds. But a few have turned to darker sources of inspiration, such as alchemy, diabolism, or demonic powers.