• Prereq: At least five adds in reality
The reality-rated character may imbue one small object with a connection to her own Cosm. The object should have some significance within the cosm it reflects. A baseball card might work for Core Earth, while a tooth or claw may be appropriate for the Living Land, an amulet for Aysle, and so on.
The Focus takes half a day and 1 to create. It must be created in a space where the character’s reality is Dominant or Pure. When the Focus is created the character may spend up to three
it, and it works one day for each spent. The item may also charge on its own over time, one day for every day of charge.
Possession of a Focus grants a +4 bonus on an attempt to Reconnect. An Ord with a Focus may operate normally in an enemy Dominant or Pure Zone, similar to being under the effect of a Talisman (see Torg Eternity), but a Focus only affects the individual carrying it.
Special: The character may only create a Focus for his own reality.
Perhaps the most powerful of all the Storm Knights are those who can master reality. It is the raw stuff of the Possibility Wars, and with it, most anything can happen.