• Prereq:
At least three adds in missile weapons
Elves are legendary archers. It is said they take to the bow like dragons take to gold. Those with this Perk can fire multiple arrows at once with ease.
An elven archer with this Perk may draw arrows as a free action and ignores the first two points of the Multi-Target penalty when firing a bow (not a crossbow).
Elves are an increasingly common sight in Core Earth, in part because so many marched with Pella Ardinay, and in part due to the pull of Elfhame (page 72). Guilt brought the elves to Earth, but once here most forgot the dire situation of Aysle and lost themselves in the bright trees and strange songs of the new world. There is infighting among the elves, and those who remain true to the Army of Light fear that as more elves lose their way and Go Fae
they’ll bring about yet another cataclysm.