Followers α

• Prereq: Charisma 8+, and the character must have successfully played a Glory card

Followers may be taken multiple times. The first time it’s taken, the Storm Knight has a single follower of some sort. The character is an Ord created by the Game Master with 36 points of attributes, 12 points in skills, and 2 Wounds. Each additional time this Perk is selected either add an additional follower, or an existing follower may gain a Perk (player’s choice).

The player character controls these followers in most situations. They are loyal for the most part, but not suicidal. Losses are replaced at the start of the next act, or as soon as it makes sense in the story (Game Master’s decision). New followers don’t just show up in the middle of the Living Land looking for someone. But the group might stumble upon a settlement and find men and women willing to join the group after they’ve shared food and tales of the Storm Knights’ adventures.


Some individuals are natural leaders. Others are put in positions of authority by the military or private organizations. The Perks in this category reflect their ability to lead and command others, receive favors from authority, and even intimidate or coerce angry mobs.

From Core Rules