★ Prereq:
No Light Perks
The dark hero’s physical appearance takes on an unpleasant characteristic of some sort. Perhaps his skin becomes pale and sickly or his eyes become red and haunted.
The character’s Charisma is permanently reduced by one, but he becomes Favored at intimidation tests.
In addition, a successful intimidation when it’s the Approved Action grants the player two Destiny cards instead of one. Choose one to keep as usual and discard the other.
Darkness grants gifts of its own. Darkness Perks are related to the Law of Eternal Corruption of Orrorsh, and draw extra power from it. Due to that connection, the taint of Darkness draws heroes inexorably towards an evil fate. A hero may have up to three Darkness Perks before succumbing to the lure of temptation. If a fourth is ever acquired the character crosses one moral line too many and becomes a Stormer controlled by the GM.
It’s possible—usually in special adventures—to acquire a Darkness Perk without spending XPs. Such cases require the player to make a dark choice in return for gaining power. The Perk does still count against the total number of Perks for purchasing new ones.
Once a character has any Darkness Perks he may not take Light Perks. If he had Light Perks and is forced to take a Darkness Perk, the Light Perks are permanently eliminated.