• Prereq:
At least two adds in scholar
Occultists are experts in not just the lore and legends of the various horrors that haunt their home, but their habits, traits, tell-tale signs, and most importantly, how to stop them!
At the start of any fight against a supernaturally evil creature (GM’s call, but see the Supernatural Evil sidebar on page 273), the Occultist makes a scholar roll.
He then draws one Destiny card with a Standard success, two with a Good success, or three with an Outstanding result. He keeps one and discards any others.
Whether he made the scholar test or not, the Occultist may then choose any one of his cards and place it directly in his pool.
Most Victorians fight the Gaunt Man’s foul corruption with stubborn gallantry in the face of overwhelming odds. But a few have turned to darker sources of inspiration, such as alchemy, diabolism, or demonic powers.