★ Prereq:
Radiant, at least three other Light Perks
A radiant Storm Knight can attempt to raise the recently slain (generally within an act). The character makes a Spirit test for the attempt, and gains a +2 bonus if the recipient has Light Perks, or −4 if the target has Darkness Perks.
This attempt may only be made once. If the roll is failed, the deceased may not be raised with this ability.
Followers of Light may reap special benefits from the forces of goodness that weave through Aysle. If a character becomes corrupted by Darkness Perks he loses the benefits of any Light Perks but they still remain on his character sheet and count for determining the cost of new Perks!
A person’s appearance tends to reflect her alignment with Light or Darkness (though it can be hidden by various abilities). A knight of Light appears noble and genuine to those who meet her. Her armor shines, her clothes are clean, and her voice is pleasant and calm.