• Prereq:
Charisma 8+
After a Glory card is played, the zone fills with ambient Possibility Energy. A Storm Knight with the Storyteller Perk can spread the tale of the deed and directly utilize that Possibility Energy.
Telling the tale requires an audience, a performance of the teller’s choosing (narration, a song, etc.), and a persuasion test vs the standard zone modifiers (−4 in a Dominant Zone and –8 in a Pure Zone).
Tales may be told once per act, and only in a zone where the Storyteller took part in playing a Glory card within the last month. The performer doesn’t have to have played the card himself, he just has to have been present at the event.
The Storyteller gains a separate pool of , one on a standard success, two on a Good, and three on an Outstanding. For the rest of the act, the Storm Knight can spend these
for himself or for anyone who heard the tale (GM’s call)—including Ords! This is a free action.
Note that telling tales of the Storm Knights’ deeds almost always attracts attention from the High Lords and their minions. All the Reality Raiders are quick to hunt down such thorns in their sides.
Perhaps the most powerful of all the Storm Knights are those who can master reality. It is the raw stuff of the Possibility Wars, and with it, most anything can happen.