The Chalice of Elfkind

Possibilities: 10 Possibilities
Tapping Difficulty: 20 (15 for Elves)
Purpose: To aid the Elves in times of need.

According to legend the Chalice of Elfkind was forged in ancient times by the first Queen of the elves, and given to the dwarves as a gift of peace. It’s been exchanged countless times, and now both races are convinced it is the other who remains in possession of this artifact. It appears like a short silver goblet, ringed with sapphire and ruby gems and covered in exquisite elven etchings.


Water or other liquid poured into the chalice takes on magical energy if the pourer succeeds in tapping into the shard. When drunk from the chalice, the affected liquid eliminates a disease, cures a curse, or heals up to three current Wound and restores all Shock. The chalice must be refilled (and tapped) before it may be used again.


The Chalice’s Possibilities may not be used except to activate its powers as above.

From Core Rules