Ghosts are the echoing spirits of the dead, ethereal creatures of pure emotion. Many are lost or mindless, haunting places that were meaningful to them when they were alive. The most dangerous ghosts are pure rage.
Charisma 7, Dexterity 7, Mind 5, Spirit 10, Strength 5
Dodge 8, Find 6, Intimidation 12, Maneuver 9, Stealth 12, Taunt 8, Trick 8, Unarmed Combat 8
Move: 7;
Tough: 5;
Shock: 10;
Wounds: -
Special Abilities:
- Cloak of Darkness: Ghosts gain a bonus to Toughness equal to the current Darkness penalty.
- Disturbance: An upset ghost can pick up and hurl objects within a Large Blast, with the ghost at the center of the disturbance. This is an unarmed combat attack that deals Strength +1 (6) damage. If unattended weapons are within the disturbance their properties apply to the damage as well.
- Ethereal: A ghost may move through walls and solid objects, and is immune to physical attacks unless the weapon is magical or has a property that allows it to affect ethereal beings. Magic, miracles, and psionic powers affect ethereal beings normally.
- Fear: Upon first seeing a ghost a hero must test willpower or Spirit or become Very Stymied
- Undead: Ghosts are immune to effects that require breathing, eating, or other