
Pan-Pacifica’s hopping vampires are humans infected with a particularly terrible strain of the virus. The creatures are ravenously hungry and spread the infection with a bite. When a victim becomes a jiangshi, her skin puckers and tightens. Muscles contract until they’re wound like springs- increasing their effective strength. Heavier victims contract in the same way, but the additional skin and organs bulge out between the muscular bands. The contraction leaves this creatures stiff and slow on their feet, but capable of powerful leaps- hence their name.

Cosm: Pan-Pacifica

Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 11, Mind 5, Spirit 8, Strength 11

Skills: Dodge 13, Intimidation (13), Maneuver 13, Stealth 10, Taunt (11), Trick (10), Unarmed Combat 13

Move: 5; Tough: 11; Shock: -; Wounds: 1

Possibilities: Common (2)

Special Abilities:

  • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (13). Jiangshi attempt to grapple unless a foe is already restrained , so a standard hit causes straight Strength damage (11), a Good hit deals full damage (13) and restrains the target, and an Outstanding also makes the target Vulnerable and Stymied . If the target is already restrained a jiangshi uses an All-Out Attack.
  • Fear: On first encountering this twisted creature a hero must test willpower or Spirit or become Very Stymied .
  • Infected: Ords KO’ed or Defeated by this creature become infected themselves. Reality-rated characters slain by infected rise as jiangshi sometime within the act.
  • Jump: A jiangshi may leap double its movement as a simple action, but doing so leaves it Vulnerable .
  • Relentless: Jiangshi ignore Shock.
  • Undead: Jiangshi are immune to poison and other effects that require breathing, eating, or other living processes.