Nile Empire Shocktrooper

Variants: Elite Shocktrooper, Nile Shocktrooper (Fletcher’s), Shocktrooper Officer

Dr. Mobius’s front-line soldiers are drawn from various worlds and regions of the Empire. They wear the traditional garb of the Pharaoh’s army, including a pleated headdress.

Cosm: Nile Empire

Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 7, Mind 7, Spirit 8, Strength 8

Skills: Beast Riding 8, Dodge 8, Find 8, Fire Combat 8, First Aid 8, Heavy Weapons 8, Intimidation 9, Land Vehicles 8, Maneuver 8, Melee Weapons 8, Streetwise 8, Survival 8, Taunt 7, Trick 8

Move: 7; Tough: 8; Shock: 8; Wounds: -

Equipment: Short sword (Strength +2/10), MP-40 (Damage 13, Short Burst, Range 10/25/40)

Possibilities: Rare (2)