★ Prereq:
Strength 10+
Dragon Warriors are the last champions of the dwarves who were virtually annihilated in Aysle. As a final desperate measure, they built suits of powerful, arcane armor designed to slay Uthorion’s hated minions. Most knew they would perish in them.
Dragon Warrior armor contains incredible weapons, gadgets, and devices that transform the wearer into an engine of vengeance. It adds Armor +4, limits the wearer’s Dexterity to 8, and causes two extra points of any time Fatigued comes up on the Conflict Line (page 112).
When Dragon Warrior is taken, the dwarf can choose one enhancement from the list below.
New Enhancements: This Perk may be taken more than once. Each time after the first it grants another one of the enhancements listed below. Unless it says otherwise, each enhancement may only be taken once.
Compartments in the armor hold 12 additional darts. Any dwarf who has this Perk knows how to make more from metal scraps. Assume the weapon and ammunition compartment are replenished between acts or whenever the Game Master feels the wearer has sufficient time to do so.
A second dart thrower may be placed on the dwarf’s other arm by taking this enhancement a second time (as well as a second compartment).
Dwarves of Aysle were once a content if insular folk. Since Uthorion’s Rage and their people’s near-total destruction, they have become relentless avengers.
The stout dwarves of Aysle continue their quest for vengeance and an honorable death as a race. Although their situation is no less dire, the infectious hope of Core Earth has served as a reprieve and allowed pockets of dwarves to thrive and recover parts of their culture and technology thought lost. Some of these pockets are fractious, but no dwarf is willing to fight with another while Uthorion still lives.