Cosm | Name | Axiom | Damage | Range | Ammo | AP | Price | Notes | 🕮 |
T14 | 20 | 100 / 250 / 500 | 1 | 2 000 (16)
Reload | 🕮 | ||
Similar in size to the 12-pound cannons of Core Earth’s 15th century, cannons have only recently been used in any great number by the Ayslish. Dwarves usually stylize the cannons to resemble dragons or other monsters. |
T11 | 18 | 100 / 250 / 500 | 1 | 1 000 (15)
Reload | 🕮 | ||
The ballista is a large, crossbow-like device used to fire 4.5 kilogram spear-like bolts great distances and with great force. Winding the bowstring back requires a Heroic (DN 18) Strength test, and usually requires a crew of six. |
Core Earth
T21 | 24 | 500 / 2000 / 4000 | 2 | 70 000 (24)
Heavy Burst | 🕮 | ||
Another rapid firing cannon, the 30mm usually has a slightly lower rate of fire than lighter autocannons, but its larger shells hit harder and have greater range. |
120mm Tank Gun | T21 | 29 | 1000 / 3000 / 5000 | 1 | 10 | 550 000 (28)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
T21 | 30 | 1000 / 3000 / 5000 | 1 | 10 | 550 000 (28)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
The standard armament of the ubiquitous Soviet-era T-72 tank found throughout the world as well as the US M1A1. Almost always uses KEP ammunition for use against heavily armored targets. |
T22 | 31 | - / 5000 / 20000 | 6 | 700 000 (29)
Large Blast | 🕮 | ||
Usually hitched to a vehicle, towed into position, and then reconfigured to fire. Each shell weighs 44 kg and usually requires a crew of six to load and fire. The usual howitzer shell types are available, plus in Russia one-kiloton tactical nuclear shells were produced for this weapon. |
T22 | 16 | 10 | 250 (12)
Small Blast | 🕮 | |||
A chemical explosive with the consistency of putty or modeling clay, plastique can be molded easily and is very stable. It cannot be set off by any amount of impact and only extreme levels of heat (over 500 degrees Celsius) might set it off otherwise. Plastique is portable, and triggered electrically, usually by a small batterypowered timer/detonator. The damage values and blast radius values are for a 300-gram amount of the explosive. Add +1 damage for each additional 300 grams of plastique, up to a maximum of three kilograms. Every three kilograms beyond that increases the Blast area by one size. |
T22 | 20 | 10 | 400 (13)
Small Blast | 🕮 | |||
A chemical explosive with the consistency of putty or modeling clay, plastique can be molded easily and is very stable. It cannot be set off by any amount of impact and only extreme levels of heat (over 500 degrees Celsius) might set it off otherwise. Plastique is portable, and triggered electrically, usually by a small batterypowered timer/detonator. The damage values and blast radius values are for a 300-gram amount of the explosive. Add +1 damage for each additional 300 grams of plastique, up to a maximum of three kilograms. Every three kilograms beyond that increases the Blast area by one size. |
T22 | 23 | 10 | 1 000 (15)
Small Blast | 🕮 | |||
A chemical explosive with the consistency of putty or modeling clay, plastique can be molded easily and is very stable. It cannot be set off by any amount of impact and only extreme levels of heat (over 500 degrees Celsius) might set it off otherwise. Plastique is portable, and triggered electrically, usually by a small batterypowered timer/detonator. The damage values and blast radius values are for a 300-gram amount of the explosive. Add +1 damage for each additional 300 grams of plastique, up to a maximum of three kilograms. Every three kilograms beyond that increases the Blast area by one size. |
T22 | 29 | 2000 / 10000 / 12000 | 1 | 4 | 70 000 (24)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
Designed expressly to be fired from the US Army’s Apache helicopter, the Hellfire is a laser-guided missile. This weapon requires a lock-on, so the user must Aim |
T22 | 25 | 100 / 250 / 500 | 1 | 4 | 300 (12)
HEAT ammo | 🕮 | |
An extremely portable and disposable anti-tank weapon, the LAW is a directfire (unguided) rocket. Instructions for its use are inscribed on each LAW canister in cartoon form, enabling the LAW to be fired by just about anybody. Once fired the canister is discarded. The canister is loaded with a HEAT round. A Storm Knight may carry one or more LAW Rockets if desired. |
T22 | 19 | 1 000 (15)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | ||||
A block of C4 surrounded by ball bearings or other fragments. Usually set off by a trip-wire or manually detonated from a remote trigger. Claymore mines are built to shape the blast and fragments into a Medium Blast from the device. The device may be easily carried, and only takes an action to plant. |
T23 | 26 | - / 4000 / - | 1 | 4 | 50 000 (23)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
A self-guided missile designed for use against low-flying aircraft, the Stinger missile comes in a disposable tube that is fitted to the reusable launching unit, and may be carried into position and fired by a single person. The firer uses an action to aim The pilot of the target vessel may make an Active Defense roll to avoid the missile, and adds +4 to his roll if he has anti-missile countermeasures such as chaff or jammers. |
T22 | 28 | - / 2000 / 4000 | 1 | 6 | 36 000 (23)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
Fired from a vehicle mount, such as on a jeep or helicopter, the TOW is a wire-guided missile the firer |
T26 | 28 | 50 / 100 / 500 | Bulky, Fire, Small Blast | 🕮 | ||||
A heavier version of the GWI God’s Fire Plasma for use on vehicles with essentially unlimited ammunition from the tank’s power plant. updated in Cyberpapacy Sourcebook |
T26 | 24 | 50 / 150 / 200 | 10 | 50 000 (23)
Large Blast | 🕮 | ||
A heavy microwave emitter used by Church Police for non-lethal crowd control. Nerves of individuals in the affected area feel like they have caught fire, even though there is very little heat present. A small percentage of targets do suffer mild radiation burns on exposed flesh. Many victims claim to hear choir songs when under the effects of the ray. As a beam this weapon isn’t eligible to use different ammunition types. updated in Cyberpapacy Sourcebook |
Nile Empire
T20 | 22 | 500 / 2000 / 4000 | 2 | 50 000 (23)
Heavy Burst | 🕮 | ||
Similar in design to an enlarged machine gun, this belt-fed weapon is most often found mounted on airplanes, though it can be mounted on other vehicles or fortifications. It remains popular on military vehicles well after its introduction at Tech 20, especially with KEP or incendiary rounds. |
20mm Cannon | T20 | 22 | 500 / 2000 / 4000 | 2 | 250 000 (22)
Long Burst | 🕮 | ||
.30 Caliber MG | T20 | 15 | 500 / 1000 / 2000 | 2 | 8 000 (19)
Long Burst | 🕮 | ||
.50 Caliber MG | T20 | 16 | 500 / 1000 / 2000 | 2 | 10 000 (20)
Long Burst | 🕮 | ||
T20 | 28 | 500 / 1000 / 2500 | 1 | 6 | 300 000 (27)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
Once the cutting edge in Tech 20 tank armament, this is the weapon for the assault vehicles of the Nile Empire. A wide variety of ammunition makes this an ideal weapon for tanks, planes, and zeppelins. |
105mm Tank Gun | T20 | 29 | 1000 / 2500 / 4000 | 1 | 6 | 500 000 (28)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
T20 | 25 | 500 / 1000 / 2500 | 2 | 2 000 (16)
Long Burst | 🕮 | ||
Commonly found on combat helicopters. Depending on the launcher, rockets may use Rapid Fire to overwhelm the target. |
T20 | 18 | 100 / 250 / 500 | 1 | 4 | 400 (13)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |
A broad category for early manportable anti-tank devices. Almost all are shoulderfired tubes that launch rocket-propelled warheads. Bazookas use HEAT ammunition, and may be carried by a single person. |
T20 | 16 | 20 / 25 / 30 | 2 | 600 (14)
Small Blast | 🕮 | ||
A horrifying weapon that streams burning fuel across an area. As a fire weapon it ignites the target, continuing to deal damage, and always attacks the least-protected armor location. The fuel for flamethrowers is notoriously vulnerable, and a Called Shot (see page 119) hitting a fuel tank may detonate the weapon, dealing its damage to the user and everyone around him. |
T20 | 17 | 1 | 500 (13)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |||
An explosive device with a pressureplate trigger, usually buried or concealed along roads or fields. These devices are meant to injure rather than kill, usually by blowing off the limb that triggered the device. It takes a few minutes and a profession (demolitions) test to plant a device. A good success makes the device hard (−2) to find, and an outstanding success makes it difficult (–4). |
T17 | 20 | 100 / 500 / 1000 | 1 | 2 | 4 000 (18)
Reload | 🕮 | |
One of the last muzzleloading smoothbore cannons of the 19th century, sometimes known as the Napoleon field gun. A wide variety of different rounds are available for the gun, including grapeshot and shrapnel. |
T17 | 13 | 5 / 10 / 15 | 20 (6)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | |||
Nitroglycerine stabilized in a neutralizing material such as clay or sawdust, dynamite is exceptionally stable and normally only set off by another explosion, usually a blasting cap or detonator. Dynamite sticks with a fuse have the blasting cap included in the stick, and may be carried or thrown by a Storm Knight. Add +1 to the damage for each additional stick of dynamite in a bundle, up to a maximum of six sticks. Anyone can throw a stick of dynamite, but setting it up for maximum effect is a use of the profession (demolitions) skill. Old sticks can be very dangerous because the nitroglycerine The Core Rulebook also contains a duplicate Dynamite Stick as a missile weapon with range 10/20/30. |
T24 | 22 | 50 / 1000 / 2000 | 200 | 250 000 (27)
Long Burst | 🕮 | ||
State of the art self-propelled turret, sometimes called |
T24 | 18 | - / 50 / 100 | 25 000 (22)
Large Blast | 🕮 | |||
Sonic crowd control device deployed along contamination zones to keep crowds at bay. The ultrasound frequency causes nausea and extreme discomfort to anyone not wearing special protective headsets. The weapon’s damage is non-lethal. |
T25 | 25 | 1 | 2 | 5 000 (18)
Medium Blast | 🕮 | ||
This technodemon device is dreaded in Tharkold, and is sometimes called the Carousel of Death. The mine itself fires a spinning warhead up into the air, and mono-filament threads lance out in every direction, lacerating flesh and armor. The operation makes an annoying buzzing sound that humans compare to the sound alarm clocks make. The mine can be carried by a person, set with just an action, or even thrown into position to activate it. It triggers based on sound. It will listen for movement all around it, and detonate when it calculates the most targets are within its radius. A very difficult (−6) stealth test allows someone to sneak through the mine’s radius without waking it up. |