• Prereq: None
Alarm creates an immobile and invisible 10-meter diameter circle around the wizard, who also whispers a password while casting. If anyone without the proper password enters the area, the spell emits a warning in the wizard’s voice that continues until someone speaks the password or it expires. This makes surprise attacks impossible.
The wizard’s warning may be as loud as he can generate with his own voice.
Good: If the wizard chooses, Duration is increased up to one week and the circle may be expanded to 100 meters.
• Prereq: None
Armor infuses the caster’s skin (or an ally’s if desired) with protective energies that grants her Armor +1. This is one of the most common spells among Delphi Council mages due to the constant danger they find themselves in.
• Prereq: None
This spell hurls a small but dangerous projectile, such as a slug of metal or a coin, at a target for 13 damage. The magician makes the motion of hurling, flicking, slinging, or propelling the projectile at the target, then releases it at his foe. The apportation total must exceed the Dexterity or dodge of the target character in order to hit.
There is no penalty for Range, but all other modifiers (and options such as Multi-Targeting) for attacks are figured normally.
• Prereq: None
The caster sees a faint outline or aura around anything under the effects of magic: enchanted objects, people with spells on them, and even mages maintaining spells on others. A Standard success detects the presence of any magic within range and the type of magic (alteration, apportation, conjuration, or divination) involved in each aura.
• Prereq: None
Diminish reduces one of the opponent’s attributes (chosen when the spell is cast) and related skills by −2. Separate castings may affect multiple attributes.
Spellcasters mime an action related to the affected attribute while casting—sneering to reduce Spirit, pretending to stumble if reducing Dexterity, etc.
Reducing Strength or Spirit does not reduce Toughness or .
• Prereq: None
This spell may only be cast once per day.
Disguise gives a caster (or an ally if desired) the physical appearance of another, including clothing, weapons, and other normal accessories. Items created as part of the disguise are useless beyond looking the part.
The disguise may copy a specific person if the caster has seen him or her (or a high-quality painting or photo). Disguise only covers the physical appearance of the target—interaction may still require persuasion tests or the like.
The disguised individual stays the same mass, but can appear as a different gender, ethnicity, or even race (such as an elf or a dwarf). Once the spell is cast the mage no longer needs to be within range to maintain it.
• Prereq: None
Dispel magic ends one or more spell effects currently affecting a target. It works only on cast spells—not magic items, relics, or other enchanted devices.
To dispel, the caster chooses one or more targets (using the Multi-Target option) and makes her alteration roll. A Standard success ends one spell’s effects on that target (caster’s choice).
Dispel magic must be used on the recipient of a spell—not the person who actually cast it. It still uses the original caster’s willpower or Spirit, however.
• Prereq: None
This spell enhances a single attribute of the caster or an ally by +1. Multiple allies may be enhanced at the same time so long as all are within range and the caster uses the Multi-Target option. The DN is the attribute to be affected—the better someone’s ability, the harder it is to improve on it. Different attributes may be increased with separate castings.
If the caster increases Strength or Spirit, it does not increase Toughness or . Mages pantomime some aspect of the attribute to be increased while casting—cracking their knuckles to improve Dexterity, flexing their muscles to enhance Strength, and so on.
• Prereq: None
The fear spell creates a wave of terror affecting enemies within a Large Blast (see Area Effect, page 122). Affected targets become Stymied . Note that as an Area Effect attack there’s no Multi-Targeting penalty, but also no option to add extra targets.
Targets immune to fear effects are also immune to this spell.
• Prereq: None
Fireball conjures a sphere of white-hot magical flame. The caster shapes and controls the fireball, then hurls it at his target where it explodes in a Medium Blast Radius for 14 fire damage (see Fire, page 136).
There is no penalty for Range, and this is a single ball of fire, no Multi-Targeting is available.
• Prereq: None
While this spell does not allow a mage to soar like a hawk, it does provide slow if reliable flight for a short while. Once cast, the wizard may fly at a maximum speed of 50 meters per round. Flying more than Dexterity meters counts as running (page 114).
The mage may haul whatever weight she could normally carry. A heavy load drops the maximum speed by half and causes the flier 1 each round.
• Prereq: None
Gain language allows the wizard to read, write, and speak any language she chooses as if she had +1 add in the language skill.
• Prereq: None
Haste increases the ability of the target to maximize his actions, effectively letting him do or concentrate on more things at once. The recipient ignores the first two points of Multi-Action penalties and can perform three simple actions each round instead of two.
• Prereq: None
Invisibility not only protects a mage from angry foes, but is also useful for spies and saboteurs. This spell makes the wizard and anything she carries at the time of casting barely visible. If an item leaves her person, it becomes visible.
Once invisible, she adds +2 to stealth, and once spotted, attacks against her are made at −2. Invisibility only affects sight, so creatures that don’t rely on sight aren’t affected. Similarly, getting wet, walking across a loud surface, or hit with a visible marker of some kind, might negate the spell’s benefits (GM’s call).
Invisibility doesn’t stack with other visibility penalties—take the highest available.
• Prereq: None
This powerful attack spell calls forth a bolt of lightning strong enough to harm even the great dragons of Aysle. The damage of the bolt is 16 and it ignores 4 points of armor. This spell may not use the Multi-Target option.
• Prereq: None
Mage dark fills a five-meter radius with total darkness. Everything within the affected area is shrouded in Pitch Black (–6) conditions.
If cast on an area of existing mage light, it drowns it out and consumes it.
See the Darkness penalties on page 122 for more information.
• Prereq: None
The wizard can manipulate items as if she had a pair of invisible hands that can reach up to 25 meters distant. The hands are extensions of her own—her real hands must be free as she makes appropriate hand motions, and she can’t lift herself any more easily than she could with her own hands.
The hands’ Strength is equal to her Spirit, but they use her skills. If her hands wield a sword, for example, she uses her melee combat as usual.
• Prereq: None
The converse of mage dark, mage light fills a five-meter radius with bright, scintillating light. All darkness penalties within the radius are negated, including any existing instances of mage dark.
Any characters or creatures who were in Dark or Pitch Black conditions prior to casting are dazzled and automatically Stymied .
• Prereq: None
Merchants and others with riches to protect detest this simple spell. It works on normal or electronic locks. With it and sufficient skill, a mage may open any lock with up to a −4 penalty (see Lockpicking, page 80).
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• Prereq: None
Pathfinder allows a magician to sense the direction and distance to an object, location, or being. The success level determines the spell’s maximum range of detection.
• Prereq: None
With a brisk incantation and a broad gesture the mage opens two connected portals. One appears right next to the caster, and the other anywhere within 50 meters. Whatever enters one portal emerges from the other in the same instant. The portals only exist for a few seconds before disappearing.
Portal has applications for both movement and combat. The caster may simply add 50 meters to his movement when using the spell. If used in a chase it allows the mage to gain steps using the apportation skill rather than Dexterity. A failure to achieve the spell’s DN counts as a failure for backlash, regardless of the DN to gain a step.
In combat, the caster may use a Multi-Action to reach through and attack a foe adjacent to the other portal. The connection goes both ways: a grappled enemy may be pulled back through to the caster’s side or a waiting opponent may strike through the portal back at the caster on the other side. The portal closes once the current side finishes their actions.
• Prereq: None
The rare offensive use of divination, this spell scans through a single target’s possible futures and destroys them!
The game effect is to drain a reality-rated target of 1 . An Ord disconnects
and counts as drained of all Possibility Energy. This spell may not Multi-Target.
• Prereq: None
Possibility shadows allows a caster to ask reality itself a question. To do so, he must first cast a deep shadow on a surface, concentrate on a question or topic for one minute, and finally invoke the spell.
If successful, his shadow (or another’s if casting for someone else) takes on a life of its own, forming other objects, creatures, or individuals, and reveals a vague clue about the chosen topic.
Of course the future isn’t set, so the information granted is a best guess
(as determined by the GM), and is likely to change based on other events.
Once conjured, the shadow does not appear to the same conjurer again this scene.
• Prereq: None
Occultists in Orrorsh and treacherous thralls in Tharkold make frequent use of this spell when dealing with the deadly demons of their cosms.
To employ a protective circle, the caster draws a visible, one-meter-radius circle in chalk, blood, salt, or other material, then embellishes it with arcane runes. Once drawn, and for as long as the caster maintains Concentration , supernatural beings may not cross the border. They may speak and otherwise interact across the border normally, but any supernatural powers (such as spells or special abilties) suffer a –2 penalty.
If another force or being breaks the circle’s drawn boundary the spell ends.
• Prereq: None
Scry allows a prying caster to peek in on a subject from afar. This spell targets a single person, and requires a vestige of that individual—fingernail clippings, a lock of hair, a vial of blood, etc.—in order to work. Without such materials the spell automatically fails. Those with secrets to protect closely guard or destroy such residue.
A Standard success grants a view of the target from directly above. The mage sees and hears anything within five meters, but nothing outside that range is visible or audible. Thus it may not be clear exactly where the target is located, only what he is currently doing. Anyone viewed or heard by the spell intuitively feels that he’s being watched, but isn’t certain how.
• Prereq: None
The shield spell helps Storm Knight spellcasters survive their battles with the High Lords’ minions.
A successful casting adds +1 to all the caster’s physical defenses (dodge, melee combat, and unarmed combat). The bonus follows normal Stacking rules, so a shield spell cast on a character with a real shield gets whichever bonus is best.
• Prereq: None
Slow decreases a living being’s speed and makes it more difficult for him to do multiple things at once. The caster points at his target in slow motion.
The target’s Speed is decreased by 25% and the target is Stymied . Speed refers to the target’s personal walking, running, climbing, swimming, or flying speed. Slow doesn’t affect machines or devices of any type.
• Prereq: None
To cast this loathsome spell, the occultist manipulates the corpse’s jaws while beseeching the spirit that once resided inside to speak. The spirit retains its former consciousness–it knows it’s dead, may refuse to speak, is subject to persuasion, etc.
A particular corpse may only be questioned once per scene.
• Prereq: None
A wave of arcane energy overwhelms a group of foes. It affects everyone within a Large Blast area (see page 122). This is an Area Affect spell and may not Multi-Target.
Any target affected becomes Very Stymied . Stun only works on living beings, so undead, constructs, or animated objects are unaffected.